Sandra’s BLOG

I Understand Now
This whole life long journey started in the beauty, silence and space of the farm, the smokey mountains and the beaches of the Atlantic ocean when I was a child, and the experiences I had there continue to inspire and inform my life.

I’m Not Photogenic
I can't tell you HOW many times I've cringed when someone pulled out a camera to take my picture. I still have to remember sometimes to center myself....and exhale....so I can take a breath in...and simply relax when there's one pointed at my face!

I created this magazine for my studio years ago and update it frequently with new images. If you have products and services, it’s a wonderful way to have something tangible for your clients to view.
There is almost always a printed copy in my bag and it’s also available online for easy access on my iPad or phone. I’ve been using a different host for years but just discovered Heyzine’s free version with larger file upload, through Thr•iii Collective, a powerful group of women who get it right! Thank you ladies for your support and guidance. You are a game changer for my business!

Yes! Health nut. It keeps me going strong.
There is no shortage of information out there about health, diet, exercise, the importance of stress reduction, reducing inflammation, and the negative effects of sugar. Yet our county is in the largest health crisis in it’s history. It takes more than information to implement lasting change that frees us to live fully and vibrantly.